Censorship on Press
The censorship of Press act 1799
Wellesley Introduced
According to this Act “name of editor, printer & proprietor” published on newspaper.
Lord Hastings Abolished this Act in 1818.
The Licensing regulation act 1823
John Adam Introduced
Miralul Akhbar (Raja Ram Mohan Roy) seized by this act.
Metcalf Abolished this act in 1835,
Licensing Act 1857
to an emergency caused by 1857 revolt this act imposed licensing
restrictions. The government reserved the right to stop publication
& circulation of any book or newspaper.
Registration act 1867
This replaced Metcalf's act of 1835 & was of a regulatory, not restrictive nature, As per the act. Every book was required to print the name of the printer & publisher & the place of the publication.
The Vernacular Press act 1878
Introduced by Litten.
to this act “The DM was empowered to call upon the printer &
Publisher of any vernacular newspaper to enter into a bond with the
government undertaking not to cause disaffection against the government.
No appeal could be made in the court of law.
The act came to be nicknamed “The gagging act”.
Under this act, Proceeding was instituted against “som Prakash / Bharat Mihir, Dacca Prakash & Samachar.
Rippen Abolished this Act. – 1882
Newspaper (Incitement to offenses) Act 1908
Introduced Lord Minto – II
against extremists nationalist activities, the act empowers the
magistrate to confiscate press property which published objectionable
The Indian Press act 1910
This act revised the burst feature of vernacular press act.
government was empowered to demand a security at registration from the
publisher & de-register if it was an offending newspaper.
Abolished on recommendation of “Tej bahadur Saproo” committee
The Indian Press (emergency power) Act 1931
This act gave sweeping powers to provincial governments to suppress propaganda for civil disobedience movement.
In Favour of censor :- Wellesley, Lord Minto-II, Lord Adams, Lord Canning, Lord Litten. Lord Elphinstone, Sir Thomas Munro.
In Favour of Freedom of Press: - Lord Hastings, Charles Metcalf, Macauley, ripen.
Important News Agencies
Associated Press of India – 1905
Free Press news service – 1927
United Press of India – 1934