Tuesday 3 January 2017

Medieval History Notes on The Marathas"

The Marathas

  • The first great leader of the Marathas was Chatrapathi Shivaji.
  • The Marathas became prominent in the later half of the 17th century.
  • Shivaji belonged to the Bhonsle clan of the Marathas.
  • Shaji Bhonsle and Jiga Bai were the Parents of Shivaji.
  • He was born in 1627 February 19 at the fort of Shivner near Junnar.
  • His father was a military commander under the Nizam Shahi rulers of Ahmedanagar and later of Bijapur.
  • Shivaji's tutor was Dadaji Kondadev.
  • Shivaji received the help of Malavi tribe to capture the territories of Bijapur Sulthan.
  • Torna was the first place captured by Shivaji in 1646.
  • Shivaji came to conflict with the Mughals for the first time in 1657, during the period of Shah Jahan.
  • In 1659 Bijapur Sulthan Ali Adilshah sent Afzal Khan to kill Shivaji. But he killed Afsal Khan.
  • In 1660 Aurangazeb deputed his viceroy of Deccan, Shaisthakhan to kill Shivaji.
  • 1665, Shivaji signed the treaty of Purandar with Raja Jai Singh of Ambher, who was deputed by Aurangazeb.
  • In 1666 Shivaji visited Aurangazeb in his court at Agra. But he and his son Sambaji were imprisoned by Aurangazeb in the Jaipur Bhavan.
  • On 16th June 1674 Shivaji crowned himself an independent Hindu king became the Chatrapathi and assumed the title'Haidavadhasmodharak'.
  • Shivaji died in 1680 at the age of 53.
  • Shahu became the Chatrapathi in 1708 and his period witnessed the rise of Peshwaship.
  • Balaji Vishwanath (1712 - 1720) Baji Rao (1720 - 40) Balaji BajiRao I (1740 - 61) and Madhav Rao I (1761 - 1772) were the Peshwas who ruled Maharashtra.
  • Baji Rao popularised the idea of Hindu Padpadshahi or Hindu Empire.
  • Balaji Baji Rao's period witnessed theThird Battle of Panipat in 1761. In this battle Ahmed Shah Abdali of Afghanistan defeated the Marathas.
  • Madhava Rao was the last great Peshwa.
  • Last Peshwa was Baji Rao II.
  • Madhava Rao's period witnessed the disintegration of the Maratha power and the formation of independent kingdoms - Holkarofindor, Bhonsle of Nagpur, Sindhya of Gwalior and Gaekwad of Baroda.
  • Shivaji's Council of Ministers was known as Ashtapradhan. They were Peshwa, Pandit Rao, Sumant, Sachiva, Senapathi, Amatya, Mantri andNyayadhyaksha.
  • Peshwa was the Maratha Chief Minister.
  • Chaudh and Sardesh Mukhi were two special laxes collected by the Marathas.
  • The first Maratha war (1775 -82) Swai Madhav Rao Vs Raghunath Rao with English support.
  • Second Maratha war 1803 - 05.
  • Third Maratha war 1816 - 19.
  • The last great Soldier and statesman of Maratha was Nana Phadavnis(1800)
  • The Maratha script was called Modiscript.
  • Peshwaship was abolished in 1818
  • Baji Rao was the ablest of the Peshwas.
  • Shivaji did not allow women in his military camp.
  • The Marathas were equipped with an efficient naval system under Shivaji.

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