Tuesday 3 January 2017

Previous Years Exam from Ancient History

  1. The source of Swastika symbol  - Indus Valley
  2. Who is considered as the father of Indian archaeoloy - Alexander Cunningham
  3. Meter scale has been discovered from ......... -  Harappa
  4. Weapon never used by the -Indus people - Sword
  5. What was the major industry in Chanhudaro? - Bead making
  6. The word 'Sindhan' used by the Indus people denoted - Cotton
  7. Evidence of fractional burial has been excavated from - Harappa
  8. The word 'godhume' used in the vedic period denote - Wheat
  9. 'Yava' denoted - Barley
  10. Term used to denote rice in the vedic text - Vrihi
  11. Vedic term sita denoted - Ploughed field
  12. Which veda mentions about wheel  - Rigveda
  13. Vedi terms 'Urvara' or 'kshetra' denoted - Cultivated field
  14. The famous frog hymn in Rig Veda throws light to - Vedic education
  15. Who was considered as the god of the vedas? - Varuna
  16. Rigvedic term 'Duhitri' denoted - Milker of cows
  17. Method used to calculate the number of cows in the Vedic period - Ashtakarni
  18. Part of which veda has prose part - Yajur Veda
  19. Who spread Aryan religion in South India - Agasthya
  20. Vedic term 'Aghanya' denotes - Cows
  21. The term 'Bharata' and 'Bharatavarsha' were first used in - Rig Veda
  22. Upanishad which mentions the four Ashramas of Vedic period - Jabala Upanishad
  23. Largest number of hymns in Rigveda a are in praise of - Indra
  24. Edict which mentions about the relation between India and China -Nagarjunakonda
  25. First town in the vedic period to use burned bricks - Kausambi
  26. First reference about lending money for interest can be found in - Satpatha Brahmana
  27. Rigvedic paintings have been discovered from Bhagvanpura. It is in which state  - Haryana
  28. Upanishad which mentions about police system  - Brihadaranyaka Upanishads
  29. God who was considered as God of Gods - Varuna
  30. Community which was considered as untouchables by the Buddhists. - Chandalas
  31. The language used by the Jains to spread their religion  - Prakrit
  32. Who is considered as the St.John of Buddhism  - Ananda
  33. Who is considered as Devil by the Buddhists  - Mara
  34. Three daughters of 'Mara' -  lust, emotion and desire
  35. The ruler who persecuted Buddhists - Pushyamitrasunga
  36. Major philosophic school of Bhagvatism  - Vishishtadvaita
  37. Earliest reference about Srikrishna can be found in  - Chandoghya Upanishad
  38. Hindu God who found place in Greek literature  - Sri Krishna
  39. Jain Thirthankara, who was related to Sri Krishna -- Rishabhadeva (Ist Thirthankara)
  40. Tamil god of the Sangham age for War and Victory - Kottavai
  41. Saint who founded the Saivism  -Lakulisa
  42. Tamil kingdom of the Sangham Age which sent an ambassador to the court of Roman Emperor -  Augusts Pandyas
  43. First Sangham was founded by  - Saint Agasthya
  44. Famous poetess of the Sangham period - Avvaiyar
  45. Greeco-Roman traders who visited South India during the Sangham period were denoted with the term - Yavanas
  46. Sangham work which describes about Buddhism - Manimekhalai
  47. The word used by Ashoka to denote Buddha - Bhagavati
  48. Ashokan inscriptions were desciphered by James prince in the year - 1837
  49. Indo-Greek ruler who had his boundaries upto Pataliputra - Menander
  50. Yuchi ruler who introduced gold coins for the first time - Vima Kadphesus

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